Wednesday, January 18, 2012

send this to your followers if your willing to answer anything that comes in your inbox 100% truthfully until the end of the day. ASK ME THINGS.. ANON OR NOT!:}<3

I swear to tell nothing but the truth.

anything and everything underneath the moon, the stars, the sun and the deep blue sky.

To love or to be loved?

To love is a beautiful thing. To be loved is even more beautiful.

anything and everything underneath the moon, the stars, the sun and the deep blue sky.

Would you rather be rich or famous?

The best of both worlds~

anything and everything underneath the moon, the stars, the sun and the deep blue sky.

What was your favorite book as a child?

Disney Princesses. HAHA

anything and everything underneath the moon, the stars, the sun and the deep blue sky.

Y U NO have questions for me? ):

Y U NO have questions for me? ):

Answer here

anything and everything underneath the moon, the stars, the sun and the deep blue sky.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Would you rather own a luxury yacht or a private jet?

The best of both worlds.

anything and everything underneath the moon, the stars, the sun and the deep blue sky.

Where are you ticklish?

Everywhere. Practically. Hee

anything and everything underneath the moon, the stars, the sun and the deep blue sky.

If you could eat dinner with any person, dead or alive, who would it be and where would you go?

Dead. Vivian Leigh. At her home. She's such a wonderful actress.

anything and everything underneath the moon, the stars, the sun and the deep blue sky.

How many hours do you sleep each night?

Depends! An average of 7 hours?

anything and everything underneath the moon, the stars, the sun and the deep blue sky.

Were you a Michael Jackson fan?

Yup! He's legendary.

anything and everything underneath the moon, the stars, the sun and the deep blue sky.

When was the last time you talked to your parents? What did you talk about?

Just now... My Chinese New Year plans with Eunice and Isabel. (:

anything and everything underneath the moon, the stars, the sun and the deep blue sky.

Do you believe in magic?

Hell yeah! Lumos!

anything and everything underneath the moon, the stars, the sun and the deep blue sky.

What website do you spend the most time on?

I would have to say... youtube. Guilty as charged.

anything and everything underneath the moon, the stars, the sun and the deep blue sky.

Sneakers or sandals?

Sneakers FTW.

anything and everything underneath the moon, the stars, the sun and the deep blue sky.

Can you keep a secret?

Yup, I'm a keeper.

anything and everything underneath the moon, the stars, the sun and the deep blue sky.

If you could get rid of one season, which one would you choose?

Winter. It's so dreary and unforgiving.

anything and everything underneath the moon, the stars, the sun and the deep blue sky.

Are you afraid of heights?

Not really.

anything and everything underneath the moon, the stars, the sun and the deep blue sky.

Do you believe there's intelligent life on other planets?

Aliens. The cute ones. Like the three eyed green thingy from Toy Story? What's their name? (^^^)

anything and everything underneath the moon, the stars, the sun and the deep blue sky.

How would you describe your personality?

Quirky. Carebear. A blob of sunshine to people's lives.

anything and everything underneath the moon, the stars, the sun and the deep blue sky.

In what ways does your personality change when you stay up too late?

I'm... dazed.

anything and everything underneath the moon, the stars, the sun and the deep blue sky.

Do you believe in fate?

Yup. But it is we, who create our own destiny. God will lead us through the way.

anything and everything underneath the moon, the stars, the sun and the deep blue sky.

What kind of clothes do you feel most comfortable wearing?

A shirt or a blouse, depending on the occasion and where I'm going. And definitely a pair of flattering jeans or pants. (:

anything and everything underneath the moon, the stars, the sun and the deep blue sky.

What's the worst show on TV?

Fear Factor. I hate those bugs. They bug me.

anything and everything underneath the moon, the stars, the sun and the deep blue sky.

What's the best place near you to get a pizza?

The phone.

anything and everything underneath the moon, the stars, the sun and the deep blue sky.

If you could have a super power, what would it be?

To be able to control someone's emotions or telepathy or the ability to control someone's mind.

anything and everything underneath the moon, the stars, the sun and the deep blue sky.

What's the secret to happiness?

Be contented. Thank God for what he has given you, not what you don't have and you don't need.

anything and everything underneath the moon, the stars, the sun and the deep blue sky.

Are you more of a talker or more of a listener?

I talk A LOT. But I listen to the heart more.

anything and everything underneath the moon, the stars, the sun and the deep blue sky.

What would you do if you saw that a friend had a piece of food stuck between his or her teeth?

I'd offer them dental floss, not that I have it with me though. :/

anything and everything underneath the moon, the stars, the sun and the deep blue sky.

What was your favorite birthday gift?

A red Moleskine organizer from Eunice and Isabel. (: Not only because I love it, I love them even more. (:

anything and everything underneath the moon, the stars, the sun and the deep blue sky.